



PO Box 11713, Philadelphia, PA 19104


Meet the 2023 Grantees

In 2023, $15,000 was awarded to the following six grantees through the Teaching Transgender Toolkit’s Investing in Community microgrants. The Uplifting Trans Fund carries forward the mission of the 2023 grants.


2024 Update:  Ayni Herb Farm is entering its second year growing an abundance of medicinal and culinary herbs in the Hudson Valley. Some exciting updates include our growing team and more community gatherings on the land. This year khadija khansia is joining the Ayni team as a co-leader, focusing on medicine making and gatherings such as new moon circles and seasonal grief circles for our community. With a bigger team, Ayni is also growing its footprint, growing more herbs for our medicinal herb CSA, now being offered in four locations from NYC to the course region. The expansion is also allowing Ayni to meet mutual aid needs in the community, supplying seedlings, dried herbs and herbal medicine for various mutual aid projects in the region. Learn more at their website, or on social media as @AyniHerbFarm


2024 Update:  In 2023 we continued our work providing clothing and accessories to the Hudson Valley trans community at no cost. We hosted events for Trans Day of Visibility and Trans Day of Remembrance and hosted monthly drop in hours for Trans people to “shop” the closet and volunteers to help sort inventory and fill requests that we mail or deliver to people with limited mobility or transportation. These funds also helped us roll out our Care Package program, where we create care packages for trans folks who are preparing to undergo gender-affirming surgery.  Learn more at their website, or on social media as @transclosethv.


2024 Update:  Our original proposal for a Trans Prisoner Power art exchange program has blossomed into a flourishing effort to connect outside artists with our incarcerated contributors through weekly programming at our physical space. Having just celebrated our 1-year anniversary at the storefront, we’ve been honored to routinely host a fierce and vibrant local community that gathers in appreciation of the imprisoned artists whose work fills the walls, shelves and cabinets to bursting. Learn more on their website, or follow them on social at @a.b.o.comix


2024 Update:  Black Transmen Can Cook’s published date is August 2024. We are featuring 9 Black Transmen with recipes and the stories behind their recipes and what it was like to live in the kitchen as a young child and now as a Black Transman. Our website features our chefs and the story behind the creation. Learn more at:


2024 Update:  Since receiving the micro-grant, I’ve been able to begin research for the queer and trans pleasure anatomical guides and diagrams! The grant meant that I was able to take time out of my busy schedule to find and purchase books and articles, as well as consult experts on emerging research. I’ve been able to draft sections, sketch diagrams, and begin planning to find contributors. As of April 2024, internal diagrams are well on their way to being finished, and external diagrams are just getting started. Follow Eli on social media @eli.scriver.


2024 Update:  Pending.  Learn more about Queer Kid Stuff at their website, or follow them on social media at @queerkidstuff

help uplift trans community

We invite cisgender people to donate as an act of trans solidarity.

Given the increasingly hostile climate for those of us who are trans, we need the support of cisgender people now more than ever. Your donation supports a trans-centered 501(c)3 non-profit in redistributing funds to trans-led projects that uplift trans community. We appreciate your solidarity.

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