



PO Box 11713, Philadelphia, PA 19104


About UTF Microgrants

The Uplifting Trans Fund seeks to specifically support trans-led efforts or projects that benefit the extended trans communities. This can be a brand new project or a project that you have already have in action that needs further support.

We are particularly interested in funding projects that are not eligible for traditional funding streams. You do NOT need to have nonprofit status or work for a nonprofit to apply. Awards typically range from $500 – $3,000. 

All grant applications must fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Advocacy
  • Creativity
  • Joy
  • Resilience

Each grant cycle will also have one additional priority area as chosen by the review committee, to be announced with the opening of the grant cycle. Read our FAQs below for more information about eligibility, application and reporting requirements, as well as the answers to other questions we are frequently asked.

All projects must be TRANS-LED.*
We prioritize awarding projects led by/for BIPOC people, disabled people, and others in trans community who experience multiple marginalizations.

*Note about language: We use the shorthand of “trans” as an umbrella term. This includes transgender, non-binary, and intersex people, in addition to all others who identify as something other than cisgender.

Eligibility & Other Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know more about our grants? Check our answers to commonly asked questions below.


  • We aim to open our next grant cycle in summer 2025, depending on the availability of funds.

  • We announce grant cycle openings on our email list. Scroll to the bottom of this page and look for "Join Our Email List".

  • For us, trans-led means that people who are transgender, non-binary, intersex or otherwise identifies as something other than cisgender, are central to the leadership and implementation of the project.

  • Yes, but the projects must be primarily led by trans people, for the benefit of trans community. All applicants are asked to disclose if there are cisgender people working on the project.

  • When a grant cycle opens, we will provide a link to our application portal from this website. Our application is comprised of a series of questions about the project, who is involved, and what you hope to achieve. We will also ask for a basic budget of how the funds will be used. You do NOT need a grant writer to apply. We provide a google doc with the application questions so that you can draft out your responses prior to starting the application.

  • Yes, please reach out to us.

  • Applications are reviewed by a team of volunteers from trans community, and final decisions are made by the review committee. Rubrics for how applications are evaluated are included with each grant cycle.

  • While we understand that there is a pressing need, UTF is unable to provide support for individual needs, and we do not provide funds for individual's medical transition, legal fees, relocation costs, or the like. Due to federal restrictions, we are also not able to fund projects that support political campaigns or lobbying.

  • There will be no grant reporting requirements, other than providing us with an occasional brief update about your project. We will use these updates to boost your project on our social media channels, when mutually agreed upon.

  • You do NOT need to have nonprofit status, work for a nonprofit, or be an IRS recognized organization to apply. If you are an individual or an LLC, accepting grant funds may have tax implications for you.

  • Please note that acceptance of grant funds may have tax implications for individuals or LLCs who apply outside of an IRS recognized organization (i.e. an S-Corp, C-Corp or non-profit). Plain language: If awarded, these funds may count as personal income, and you may have to report this as personal income and pay taxes on it. Everyone’s situation is different and we cannot advise you about whether or not this will apply to you. Please check with your tax advisor for more information.

  • While we honor that much of the work overlaps with larger LGBTQ community work, the focus of this grant is specifically to provide resources to transgender, non-binary, and intersex folks.

  • We recognize that there is a global need for funding to support transgender, non-binary, and intersex people living their lives throughout the world. While we wish we were able to provide funding to all in need, at the present time these grant funds are only available to organizations or individuals based in the United States.

Supporting Projects that Support Trans Communities

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